Gastronom bei der Arbeit, welcher MyLOCALINA nutzt
Our customer Dino Fanelli, Restaurant Lötschberg

MyLOCALINA – The No. 1 online reservation system for restaurants

MyLOCALINA is the No. 1 online reservation system for Swiss gastronomy. Reserving a table at your establishment is easier than ever and guests can make their booking when and where they like. You can easily integrate MyLOCALINA into a variety of platforms (your website, Google,,, meaning that you are bookable everywhere. Automatic reservation reminders ensure fewer no-shows. With MyLOCALINA, you have full control over reservations and guest data and can view or modify details any time and anywhere. MyLOCALINA is extremely easy to use and saves you valuable time that you can then use for your guests. Improved use of capacity, higher sales, satisfied guests!

Your advantages with MyLOCALINA

Improved use of capacity. Full control. Satisfied guests.

  • Improved use of capacity

    Your guests can reserve a table online any time – even outside your opening hours. Automatic reservation reminders ensure that there are fewer no-shows.

  • Greater reach, more reservations

    MyLOCALINA können Sie einfach in verschiedene Plattformen einbinden. Gäste können so einen Tisch einfach über Google,, oder auch Ihre eigene Website reservieren.

  • Full control

    MyLOCALINA is extremely easy to use. You have full access to and can edit your reservation and guest data at all times.

  • No transaction fees – with MyLOCALINA there are no additional charges per reservation.
  • Valuable guest feedback – your guests can give you valuable feedback and you can respond directly.

MyLOCALINA simply explained in less than 3 (German)

The right package for everyone

Numerous industry professionals count on MyLOCALINA, including:

Our advisers will be happy to help you choose the right package to suit your needs. Free consultation

Try it out for free

Don’t wait – get started for free with MyLOCALINA Free

Discover MyLOCALINA now

In the brochure, you will discover all the features of MyLOCALINA and how easy it is to be bookable 24/7!

Your benefits with MyLOCALINA:

  • Improved use of capacity
  • Greater reach, more reservations
  • Full control
  • digitalPLUS – Advertise where Switzerland is doing business

    With dig­i­talPLUS, you can adver­tise pre­cise­ly where Switzer­land is doing busi­ness. Your exclu­sive adver­tis­ing will appear when­ev­er prod­ucts and ser­vices like yours are searched for, and always in par­tic­u­lar­ly eye-catch­ing ad spots. Impos­si­ble to overlook!

  • digitalONE – the package for your SME’s success

    It has nev­er been so essen­tial for you as an SME to be found, booked and rat­ed on the most impor­tant online plat­forms. And it’s nev­er been so easy to achieve: Our new and unique dig­i­talONE solu­tion pro­vides you with an online pres­ence where it real­ly counts.

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